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Top 5 Podcasts for Home Workouts
With our busy schedules, getting in a workout can be a challenge for anyone. For many of us, we need extra motivation...
Is the Gym Safe? What to Ask.
COVID-19 has had an immense impact not just on the framework of our daily lives, but also on our mental health and we...
How to Have a Better Attitude Toward Fitness
Getting in the mood to exercise can be a big challenge. You know you should work out regularly and you feel great aft...
7 Reasons You Should Do Burpees Every Day
Burpees can be challenging, especially if you’ve never done them before. But if you perform burpees every day, even i...
5 Ways to Make Working Out a Habit
Habits don’t happen overnight. While that means it will take time and effort to form good habits like working out, it...
5 Tips to Get Out of a Training Rut
The benefits of a workout are nearly endless, but it is easy to get stuck in a rut that makes the workout feel like a...
Fit to be in love: a couples workout plan
Do you want to learn an easy way to get in better shape AND improve your relationship? Of course, you do!
Let's talk ...
Winter Fitness Tips
As temperatures drop, it's tempting to fall into a kind of hibernation mode, increasing our time spent on couches snu...
New Year’s Fitness Resolutions Got You Down?
Every year we make them, and, sadly, every year we (often) manage to break them. Despite our greatest efforts, our go...
Why Your Weight Doesn’t Really Matter
“Start the New Year right by committing to your weight loss goals!”
“Summer is around the corner. Make sure your bea...
Set Your 2022 New Years Fitness Resolution
If you’re serious about getting it together in 2022, this New Years resolutions guide is for you. We’re going to brea...
New Years Resolutions: Avoid these mistakes.
Avoid These Common Fitness Mistakes in your New Year's Resolutions.
The beginning of a new year is a chance to start ...