Why Should I Use a Personal Trainer?

So, you’ve decided to focus on improving your health and physical fitness.

new gym clothes bag gear ready to go to gym for the first timeYou’ve got some fancy new workout gear, your gym membership is all set, but when you actually get ready to exercise, you feel secretly overwhelmed or confused, not wondering if you’re doing “enough” or even maintaining correct form. Sound familiar?

We can have all the desire to shape up our bodies that we want, but without the proper knowledge of how to do so, it’s so easy to fall into a plateau of boredom and frustration that can lead us right back to our unhealthy habits, simply because they’re more familiar to us. 

The best way to learn how to workout correctly is to learn from a personal trainer.

Why Am I So Afraid of Personal Trainers?

nervous about going to the gym confused how to workout with no experience but afraid of personal trainersFirst things first, put aside any stereotypes you may have that label trainers as loud and insane drill sergeants that make you cry, and then drop and give them 50 push-ups while you’re still crying. While some trainers are definitely tougher than others, all good trainers ultimately want the same thing: to teach and support you in beneficial, effective ways to meet your fitness goals.

superhero personal trainer workout lift weights barbell herosJust think of all the movie heroes that needed mentors to help them along the way: Luke and Yoda in Star Wars, Peter LaFleur and Patches O’Houlihan in Dodgeball, Mr. Miyagi and the Karate Kid––the list goes on. The point is that no matter what your skill level, working with someone with more experience than you who genuinely wants to help you succeed will undoubtedly lead to greater progress than going it alone.

In fact, Steven McLaran’s 2003 behavioral study in the Journal of Sports, Science & Medicine noted that there was significant evidence that “individual personal training is an effective way to change the client’s attitudes towards increasing physical activity when compared to other programs.”

Should I use the free trainer at my gym?

Many gyms often include options to include personal training in your membership or for an up-charge, which is ultimately worth it in the long run. Not only will trainers help to make sure you’re doing moves correctly, but they’re skilled in taking client goals and creating individualized plans to help them best meet them in long-term settings.

personal trainers help you to understand the right way to exercise, teach good form, and motivateAdditionally, trainers can give you a body assessment, giving you a better understand of your physical strengths and weaknesses and giving you a benchmark to look back on as you progress––there’s no better feeling than having concrete numbers showing muscle gain or weight loss exactly where you wanted it.Certain things like the number of reps and sets and the ratio of cardio to strength training are specific details that a trainer can easily give to you, allowing you to focus on getting the most out of your workout instead of trying to figure out what you should do next.

How to Find a Personal Trainer if I don't Belong to a Gym?

If you don’t belong to a gym, there are still plenty of options out there for just individualized personal training.

Many websites offer trainer biographies where you can learn more about their education, work history and if there’s any special areas they focus on, such as body-building or pre-natal fitness.

have a discussion with a personal trainer to decide if they are right for your fitness goals and workout needsIf possible, set up an appointment to meet with a potential trainer to get a feel for their work style and to ask any questions you may have. And it’s ok if you don’t find someone right away––you want to feel comfortable with your trainer, but also confident that they will challenge you to become your best self. 

Personal trainers are there to be: personal.

From the person who can’t run one mile to the person who runs marathons, trainers are there to give each and every client the attention, assistance and encouragement they deserve that will put them on a more sustainable fitness path than just “winging it.”



a personal trainer can become a good friend. They will motivate and encourage you.

And not only will you be making gains, but you may even make a good friend in the process!


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  • It’s great that you said that a personal trainer would assist and encourage their clients and put them on a sustainable fitness path. My roommate and I have been wanting to lose weight and death healthier. Perhaps we should consider hiring a personal trainer so someone would hold us accountable and provide us a personalized fitness plan. Thanks for this.

    Levi Armstrong
  • I appreciate that you explained that a trainer can help with specific workouts that can help your specific goals. I want to get into better shape so I can look good for the summer and I’m debating if a personal trainer would be worth it. Thanks for the tips and I’ll be sure to find a good personal trainer that I can trust.

    Taylor Wright

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